

作  者:孙凤兰 SUN Feng-lan(School of Marxism,Nanjing Sport Institute,Nanjing,Jiangsu 211800,China)


出  处:《教育教学论坛》2022年第5期185-188,共4页Education And Teaching Forum

基  金:2020年度江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目“新时代高校思政课加强和改进马克思主义意识形态教育研究”(2020SJB0143)。

摘  要:马克思主义意识形态教育是高校落实立德树人根本任务的落脚点,是高校坚持社会主义办学方向的必然要求,是青年学生坚定理想信念的教育保障。当前,我国高校马克思主义意识形态教育面临多元文化盛行的冲击、大众文化迅速崛起的挑战、新兴媒体舆论监管缺失和高校工作协同性不够等方面的困境,阻碍了马克思主义意识形态教育实效性的发挥。因此,高校要加强马克思主义意识形态教育,要打造一支高素质的马克思主义意识形态教育教师队伍,构建马克思主义意识形态校园文化氛围,加强高校马克思主义意识形态教育工作的协同性。Marxist ideological education is the foothold for colleges and universities to implement the fundamental task of Enhance Morality,Foster Talents,the inevitable requirement for colleges and universities to adhere to the socialist direction,and the educational guarantee for young students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs.At present,Marxist ideological education in colleges and universities in China is facing the impact of the prevalence of multiculturalism,the challenge of the rapid rise of mass culture,the lack of public opinion supervision of emerging media and the lack of coordination of work in colleges and universities,which hinder the exertion of the effectiveness of Marxist ideological education.Therefore,colleges and universities should strengthen Marxist ideological education,build a high-quality team of Marxist ideological education teachers,build a Marxist ideological campus cultural atmosphere,and strengthen the coordination of Marxist ideological education in colleges and universities.

关 键 词:高校 马克思主义 意识形态 

分 类 号:G641[文化科学—高等教育学]