

作  者:吕丽莉 董科 LYU Li-li;DONG Ke(School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang,Liaoning 110870,China;Logistics Asset Management Company,Shenyang University of Technology,Shenyang,Liaoning 110870,China)

机构地区:[1]沈阳工业大学创新创业学院,辽宁沈阳110870 [2]沈阳工业大学后勤资产经营管理公司,辽宁沈阳110870

出  处:《教育教学论坛》2022年第5期169-172,共4页Education And Teaching Forum

基  金:2020年度辽宁省科技计划项目“基于新发展理念视角的党建与科技业务融合发展研究”(2020JH4/10100057)。

摘  要:高校中拥有“大量”科技成果的科研人员,他们也是站在讲台上的高校教师,其创业者素质的缺乏不但表现为成果转化数量少,也折射出高校对创业教育的认识不到位、实践性不强、与专业教育结合不够的问题。高校作为培养科技型创业人才的主阵地,要以创新精神和创业者素质培养为人才培养改革的突破口,着力在转变观念营造创业教育氛围、融合专业教育进行创业实践、专兼结合重构双创教育导师、协同育人构建创业教育生态四个方面下功夫。Colleges and universities have a significant number of scientific and research personnel who have made scientific and technological fruits,and at the same time with plenty of teachers standing on the podium.The lack of their entrepreneurs is not only manifested in a small number of transformations of fruits,but also reflects the inadequate understanding and practice of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities.As the main front for cultivating technological entrepreneurial talents,colleges and universities should use innovative spirit and entrepreneurial quality training as a breakthrough in talent training reform,and focus on the following four aspects of changing concepts to create an entrepreneurial education atmosphere,integrating professional education to implement entrepreneurial practice,combining full-time and part-time to reconstruct the tutor of entrepreneurship and innovation education and coordinating education to build an entrepreneurial education ecosystem.

关 键 词:成果转化 创业教育 生态 

分 类 号:G644[文化科学—高等教育学]